Rietveld Sandberg Research
Solar Design
How can we design starting from the notion of harvesting energy? Solar energy now is still perceived as a technology, an add-on that comes last when designing building or spaces. What if solar energy would be a necessity? An essential part of things around us, things that we would consider to be broken when they would not generate their own energy? We need to start looking at scenario’s in a distant future instead of looking at efficiency and cost reduction, so it can become part of our culture. Will this change our perception on how we would like to live with solar? What would your take on solar be if this could become part of your lifestyle, identity even? During the lecture, Marjan van Aubel will show some of her examples of previous works and talks about her research at Studio for Immediate Spaces.
Time: 17.00-18.00 CET

Location: zoom.us
The research fellowship project is an initiative of the Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut for artists, designers, theorists and other makers. It aims to facilitate and support short term artistic research projects, in collaboration with one of the departments of the schools. During their fellowship, the researchers share their process and findings with students and the Gerrit Rietveld community at large. The Fellows-in-Process series aims to aid this interaction, while engendering meaningful conversations between the fellows, students and teachers of both institutes. To that end, events are open to Rietveld and Sandberg students and teachers.

note: Additional to the zoom rooms all online events will be live streamed via youtube channel ‘Research at Rietveld and Sandberg’