mar '24
How to prepare for Third Cycle in Artistic Research
How to prepare for Third Cycle in Artistic Research
What follows a Master of Fine Arts when one desires further development in one’s education as artist? How to become aware of what a potential PhD (or equivalent) in the Arts mail entail, and for whom may this represent a suitable trajectory? The session consists of a short introduction to the different possibilities to choose from when pursuing a Third cycle in education in the Arts in the Netherlands (including insights into prospective collaborations with institutions abroad). This entails highlighting the differences between the formal degrees entitled Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Professional Doctorate (PD) and the Rietveld’s own Creator Doctus (CrD).
During an open conversation, we will look together at what is on offer, from enrolling in a pre-existing programme at a University or Art Academy to creating one’s own “protocol” by reaching out to those in the professional/academic/institutional field best suited as supervisors. Depending on the number of participants we will focus on individual situations and discuss how to jumpstart a formal application procedure, both as internal and as external candidates. Content-wise, attention will be dedicated to discerning the balance between practice and theory in the different Third cycle programmes in the Arts available.
About Research Café
Research Café is an informal seminar series where you can learn more about various research methodologies from different senior researchers at Rietveld and Sandberg. These seminars are open to all students, staff, tutors, and alumni of Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut. Preparation is not necessary. Per session we have space for 20 participants.
Please note that the first three sessions are open for registration from the 1st of October and that the last three sessions are open for registration from the 1st of December. Sign-up is via tinyurl.com/researchcafe2023
Please note that the first three sessions are open for registration from the 1st of October and that the last three sessions are open for registration from the 1st of December. Sign-up is via tinyurl.com/researchcafe2023