Rietveld Sandberg Research
oct '24
until oct 10
Aims to reconnect humanity – with and without technology
Aims to reconnect humanity – with and without technology
Due to digitalisation and polarisation, we are increasingly listening less to each other. How do we reconnect meaningfully? And how can technology contribute to a society focused on relationships rather than transactions? Society 5.0 Festival will explore these questions on 9 & 10 October in Amsterdam. The festival is organised by the Centre of Expertise Creative Innovation (CoE CI), a collaboration between the Rietveld Academie, the Amsterdam School of the Arts, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, and InHolland University of Applied Sciences. There is a limited amount of free tickets for employees and students of these institutions.
The Society 5.0 Festival is a deep dive into a future society that is more sustainable, transparent, and inclusive, with meaningful human contact at its core. But how can we bring about such a significant societal transformation? By shifting the focus from economics and technology to the well-being of both human and non-human life. This shift in mindset will be explored through an impressive lineup of scientists, designers, and artists. The third edition of this annual future festival will be held on 9 & 10 October in Amsterdam.

For those unfamiliar with Society 5.0 – it represents the fifth major societal transformation, following the information age of the 20th century (the fourth) and the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century (the third). Now, digital technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) are expected to drive significant change in society. When used intelligently, these technologies can help create a smart, inclusive, and sustainable ‘Society 5.0’ with humans at the centre.
To make this grand vision of the future more tangible, this year's theme is "Transforming the Social Fabric". In essence, the way our society is structured must shift from transactions to relationships. In this digital age of AI and filter bubbles, it's easy to forget that human connection is the foundation of our existence. But how do we reconnect with each other? It requires a radical shift in mindset where caring for one another and repairing what already exists takes precedence over profit and growth.

The opening address, fittingly delivered by Marleen Stikker (Wednesday evening, 6:00 PM), director of research institute Waag, will advocate for the commons or civic initiatives. In this direct form of democracy, citizens unite for the common good, such as a cleaner neighbourhood or better public transport. However, there is little interest from the government or businesses in citizen involvement. One of the key questions the author of The Internet is Broken will raise is what role the internet can play in the effectiveness of these citizen councils.
Energy-Efficient VR
The keynote Let’s Rewild the Internet by internet pioneer Maria Farrell will advocate for a more transparent and fair internet. While the Wild West is often used as a metaphor for the internet, it has become centralised and controlled by a handful of large corporations. A wilder and freer internet is only possible with strict regulation and decentralisation of existing platforms, says this leading tech critic. We, as individuals, also have a role to play. In times of polarisation, it's more crucial than ever to truly listen to one another. This is a message echoed by the third keynote speaker, Miriam Rasch, author of Listening Exercises, who advocates for genuine listening and a quest for connection.

As in previous editions, the Society 5.0 Festival programme includes inspiring keynotes, practical case studies, small-scale workshops, and artistic installations. This festival is not just about listening and experiencing but also about thinking and participating. After all, we must work together to build a better society. For example, there will be a workshop on creating hoodbots, accessible chatbots, and AI systems that enhance community cohesion. VPRO Medialab will also host a Hackathon to explore energy-efficient and transparent ways of creating digital media like VR and AR.
Naturally, there's also space for a critical perspective on technology. Increasingly, people are becoming isolated due to internet bubbles and a lack of digital resilience. The workshop The Lonely Society seeks innovative ways to make meaningful connections, both with and without technology. The Step into Her Shoes workshop, led by HvA researcher Mirjam Vosmeer, explores more just representations of women in gaming and virtual reality.

New this year is a series of intimate workshops where personal experiences are shared. The open discussion Can we make social change with art? is a collective exploration of how much activism independent designers and researchers can engage in. To ensure a free exchange of ideas, sessions such as Creative Under Fire, which tackle ethical and personal questions like ‘how do I prevent depression while researching climate change’, will be strictly confidential. Mobile phones will be absent, and what is said remains in the room. Ultimately, this action-thought-experience festival aims for genuine connection.
Centre of Expertise Creative Innovation
Society 5.0 Festival is organised by the Centre of Expertise Creative Innovation (CoE CI), a collaboration between Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Rietveld Academie, the Amsterdam School of the Arts, and InHolland University of Applied Sciences. This coalition aims to connect education and research with the creative industry, policymakers, and social organisations to jointly develop solutions to current challenges. Through the Society 5.0 Festival, CoE CI provides a deep platform for creative professionals – artists, technologists, hackers, and designers – to explore with students and other stakeholders how a society based on public values and positive impact can be realised.
Where and When
Society 5.0 Festival. 9 & 10 October 2024. The Social Hub, Wibautstraat 129, Amsterdam.

More info: society5festival2024.event-hva.nl