Rietveld Sandberg Research
The online publication "Fellows Published 2022-2023" is launched. The process and findings of the fellows who conducted their research in 2022 and 2023 are made accessible here. Contributors are: Aaro Murphy, Alaa Abu Asad, Andrea Lopez Bernal, Charlie Clemoes, MELT (Ren Loren Britton & Iz Paehr), Olya Korsun, Patricia Domingues, Sandra Golubjevaite and Zaïra Pourier.

Take a look at the online publication here: 2023.fellowspublished.rietveldacademie.nl/
Preface: Romy Day Winkel
Editing: Aidan Wall
Production: Márk Redele, Eva Hoonhout and Liza Prins
Design & Coding: Alex Walker
Photos: Nikola Lamburov, unless stated otherwise
Fellows Published is the online publication format meant to collect and present the research fellows' process and findings. It was developed by Rietveld Sandberg Research and it is the successor to the Fellows in Print series published between 2020 and 2022. The previous online publication can be accessed here: 2022.fellowspublished.rietveldacademie.nl

The research fellowship project is an initiative by Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut for artists, designers, theorists, and other makers. It aims to facilitate and support short-term artistic research projects, each in collaboration with one of the schools’ departments.
Photo: Bio Art Society
Photo: Bio Art Society
Photo: Bio Art Society
Photo: Bio Art Society
Sandberg Graduation Work
Sandberg Graduation Work 'Blinded by Shine' Performance 6 June 2018
Sandberg Graduation Work
Sandberg Graduation Work 'Blinded by Shine' Performance 6 June 2018