Fellows 22/23
Fellows 22/23 The online publication "Fellows Published 2022-2023" is launched. The process and findings of the fellows who conducted their research in 2022 and 2023 are made accessible here. Contributors are: Aaro Murphy, Alaa Abu Asad, Andrea Lopez Bernal, Charlie Clemoes, MELT (Ren Loren Britton & Iz Paehr), Olya Korsun, Patricia Domingues, Sandra Golubjevaite and Zaïra Pourier.
Take a look at the online publication here: 2023.fellowspublished.rietveldacademie.nl/
Fellows 22/23 On November 2 Rietveld Sandberg Research organised "Curves of Inquiry" in the Rietveld Gym. It showcased the findings of nine artist-researchers who completed a fellowships trajectory in the previous academic year.
Fellows 22/23 Curves of Inquiry is a Gerrit Rietveld Academie initiative that showcases the findings of nine artist-researchers who completed a fellowships trajectory in the previous academic year. Each of these projects is carried out in close collaboration with a department of the Rietveld Academie or Sandberg Instituut to foster relationships between educational programs, research activities, and societal issues.
Fellows 22/23 Join us on Saturday May 13 for a lecture by Alaa Abu Asad (artist researcher and Fellow at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie’s Lectoraat Art & Spatial Praxis) during the programme of Kunstfort x TXT: Cross Stitch.
Fellows 22/23 In the Fellows-in-Process series the research fellows of the Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut 2022/2023 will share their process and findings with students and the Rietveld community at large. The series aims to aid interaction, while engendering meaningful conversations between the fellows, students and teachers of both institutes. To that end, events are open to Rietveld and Sandberg students and teachers. Below you can find all workshops. Note that for some workshops you have to sign up.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 22/23 During his fellowship, Aaro Murphy will dedicate his research around artificial smell production as a form of virtual space making. With a particular emphasis on the rise of synthetic aromas and digitised scenting in our cities, he aims to explore the social and political effects of olfactory space making.
Fellows 22/23 In his research-based project ‘The dog chased its tail to bite it off’, Alaa Abu Asad has been working with invasive species, focusing on the infamous plant of the Japanese knotweed (fallopia japonica). He delves deeper into the ethnobotany realm of the plant and her sisters, revealing societal, national, economic, and most importantly linguistic implications.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 22/23 "Caught between a rock and a hard place in development."
aka Artists, Gentrification, The City
Alina Lupu's research fellowship has as a main line of inquiry the way that artists relate to the process of gentrification as actors in it.
Algorithmic Cultures – Fellows 22/23 As part of the fellowship program, Andrea López Bernal proposes for humans, us, to act art’ificially, in order to form new paradigms of inner and collective being. By using the performance as a tool to get closer to the state of the radical moment. Andrea is interested in the inbetween state, where the choreography meets reality and fuses creating constructed situations. Her intention is reflecting on the notions of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and discussing how performativity can work as an AI apparatus. In her practice, Andrea López Bernal explores the notion of authenticity in the various spheres of human experience, from love and friendship to work and political engagement. She does so by using a broad array of references and materials such as dental interventions, spirit stories, even tho immerges herself into unusual and sometimes challenging situations to investigate phenomena through the body, she combines these components to bitter sweet and surprising effect.
Fellows 22/23 Spatial theory should happen in space. This may seem obvious, but much like the wider practice of theory, it tends to occur in an essentially abstract institutional bubble, far from the sites where it matters, usually as a solitary pursuit and too often framed as something that only people with considerable knowledge can do. The fellowship project of Charlie Clemoes intends to explore various ways of making spatial theory a more collective and on-site endeavor.
Fellows 22/23 The Predicting Backwards Computer (PBC) engages AI (algorithmic instability / ancestral intelligence) to predict backwards in time as thriving to imagine otherwise histories. A speculative art-design research, the PBC breaks with algorithmic habits of aggregating and predicting from today‘s oppressions. Rather the PBC wonders: what would data for trans* and disabled lives be?
Fellows 22/23 During her fellowship Olya Korsun will attempt to map out and question the contours and structure of Western ecological imaginaries. Through the collective and individual study of eco-critical theory and experimental/queer/world cinema, she hopes to tap into the ways the existing imaginaries can be disrupted and bewildered.
Algorithmic Cultures – Fellows 22/23 Technology, algorithms and A.I. are shaping our life’s while they also have major impacts on surrounding landscapes. With my background in the craft of stone cutting, I am interested in understanding how materials and landscapes are cut, fractured and broken up and how the fragmentation and reconstruction of the landscape is intimately connected with human skills, techniques and technologies.
Art & Spatial Praxis – Fellows 22/23 During the fellowship, Golubjevaite will explore the topic of DIY self-hosting and local digital spaces. Managing even the smallest server comes with many responsibilities, efforts, and nuances, but she believes that a hands-on approach that is not afraid of failing and debugging is the best way to learn and stimulate thinking about our digital tools and networks. She, therefore, wants to set up a localhost server at the academy and make it physically visible. ‘Localhost’ means that the server and its content will only be accessible in the local area of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. She wishes to explore the potential of this server by turning it into a local digital gallery space, similar to how the Glass Pavilion functions. The Glass Pavilion is an excellent example of a collaborative space in the academy that occasionally brings the Rietveld community together.
Fellows 22/23 Drums adorned with the vivid pigments of ancestral dances, chairs bearing engravings steeped in the weight of centuries, and baskets woven with the artistry of calligraphy—all once integral to our homelands, now resting in Western homes.
In this dedicated journey, led by our custodian, Zaïra Florance Pourier, who has meticulously curated these objects from various sources, we unveil the stories etched into each grain of wood and thread of fabric, exploring the soft language of craftsmanship and the resonance of diaspora. This endeavour captures not only objects but the sonorous echoes of history, melodies and conversations traversing continents, weaving a tapestry of memory, and offering a deeper resonance, an intimate connection to our origins.
"Resonance in Displacement" seeks to emphasise the enduring significance of these artefacts, harmonising in the space between displacement and belonging.