Slow AI
Algorithmic Cultures – Slow AI Join research-based artist Angelo Custódio in this last session of the Slow AI Material Playgrounds, where voice becomes a material confluence of the bodymind.
Algorithmic Cultures – Slow AI Every day, we consume hundreds of images. We use them, ignore them, absorb, object and devour them. They are the digital material that shapes our online worlds, seducing us into the pull of our devices.
Algorithmic Cultures – Slow AI For the start of the new season, we are happy to invite you to the first material playground of the Slow AI x Artificial Worlds sessions, organised together with ARIAS and hosted by Dorin Budușan and Sofía Fernández Blanco. The material playground will take place in Auditorium 101 of Sandberg Instituut on September 19th from 9:30 to 13:30. The invitation is open for all Rietveld, Sandberg and HvA students.